Saturday, July 20, 2013

Activity 4: Density

1. Build a neutral lithium atom and a neutral boron atom. List the number of protons, neutrons, and electrons for each. Also look up and post the density for each of the elements of your blog.

Neutral Lithium Atom: 3 Protons, 4 Neutrons, 3 Electrons
Density: .53 g/cm 
Neutral Boron Atom: 5 Protons, 6 Neutrons, 5 Electrons
Density: 2.34 g/cm

2. Define Density and write out its equation.
The quantity of mass per unit of volume. Mass/Volume (D = M/V)
3. Run the Density simulation and complete one of the study activity sheets.
 Below are pictures of my results from the Density worksheet by Tamera Sneed.
4. Complete the Mystery Blocks activity on the Density simulation.
A) Gold
Mass: 65.14kg
Volume: 3.38L
Density: 19.27
B) Apple
Mass: 0.64kg
Volume: 1L
Density: 0.64kg/L
C) Gasoline
Mass: 4.08kg
Volume: 5.83L
Density: 0.70kg/L
D) Ice
Mass: 3.10kg
Volume: 3.38L
Density: 0.92kg/L
E) Diamond
Mass: 3.53kg
Volume: 1L
Density: 3.53kg/L

5. Identify the Science Standards that could be met through these activities completed in Activity 5.
  • Conduct Science investigations that encourage asking and answering of questions. (A.4.1)(ITL B.4.1)
  • Determine relevant data to use when investigating a Science related problem. (A.4.3)      
  • Note changes that are occurring or have occurred when studying a Science related problem. (A.4.5)
  • Use data collected to create explanations. (C.4.5)
  • Clearly be able to explain results of investigations. (C.4.6)


1 comment:

  1. I think that this activity was very interesting and will be very useful in the future. I am going for teaching and this will be such a great activity to use one day. Makes you understand more of what an atom is because you are actually makes one. Great job!
