Friday, July 19, 2013

Activity 3: Common Molecules, Structures and Names

1. Post a picture of three 3-dimensional Ball and Stick molecular models (choose your three favorite molecules) that you have created with common items around your home. Also post a molecular structure image (image from the web, of either a Kekule Structure or a Ball and Stick Model) and the IUPACA name of the molecule.
Carbon Dioxide



2. Post an image from the web, the chemical systematic (IUPAC) name, common, name, and the molecule formula for 20 chemicals that you use or eat. Explore the ingredients of things like cosmetics and foods.
  1. Baking soda: Sodium Bicarbonate: NaHCO3
  2. Chalk: Calcium Carbonate: CaCO3

  3. Bleach: Sodium Hypochlorite: NaOC1  
  4. Shampoo: Ammonium Chloride: NH4C1
  5.  Aspirin: Acetylsalicylic Acid: C9H804

  6.   Sugar: Sucrose: C12H22O11

  7. Propane Gas: Propane: C3H8
  8. Toothpaste: Sodium Fluoride: NaF
  9. Aluminum Foil: Aluminum: Al
  10.  Salt: Sodium Chloride: NaCl
  11. Hydrogen Peroxide: Peroxide: H2O2
  12. Antifreeze/Coolant: Ethylene glycol: HOCH2CH2OH
  13. Water: Water Oxidane: H20
  14. Nail Polish Remover: Acetone: CH3COCH3
  15. Battery Acid: Sulphuric Acid: H2SO4
  16. Fruit Sugar: Fructose: C6H12O6
  17. Laundry Detergent: Sodium Tetraborate Dechydrate: Na2[B4O5(OH)4] 8H2O
  18. Windex: Ammonia: NH3
  19. Lighter Fluid: Butane: C4H10
  20. Sunscreen: Avobenzone: C20H22O3

3. Look over your molecules and the bonding characteristics, how many bonds does each of the following elements typically have? Carbon? Hydrogen? Oxygen?
Carbon: 4
Hydrogen: 1
Oxygen: 2
4. What does IUPAC stand for?
International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry

5. As you explore ingredients, notice how everything around us is made up of chemicals consisting of atoms bound together into molecules. But what about companies that claim their products are chemical free! How can this be?
Companies will say that they are chemical free, but they are not free of harmful chemicals. Many products do contain harmful chemicals but may say they are chemical free. This happens a lot since a "Green Movement" has been going through the last couple of years with going green and not harming the environment. When a product does say that they are chemical free, green, or eco friendly and then lies about this is called Greenwashing. Laws and regulations have been coming about including what products labels can and cannot say.


  1. "Going green" is becoming really popular! I wonder how many people who advocate this actually pay attention to the chemicals in the products they are buying. It's interesting to hear that there are new law and regulations on how companies can advertise. I wonder how that will change things in the future.

  2. I really like the products that you chose, they were very interesting. I thought they same thing you did about what companies say. They say chemical free to make what their selling sound good for you. Just because the product is good for doesn't mean that it doesn't have chemicals. I completely agree with you on that one.
