Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Activity 7: Gases

1. Review the Content Gases on the D2L site, and the chapter on Gas Laws in the Hill textbook.
2. Complete the Clicker Questions on Gas Laws in the Teaching Idea “Concept Questions for Chemistry using PhET” posted by Trish Loeblein.
 1. There are 2 balloons in a room. They are identical in size and material. One balloon is filled with air and the other balloon is filled with Helium. How does the pressure of the air balloon compare to the pressure of the Helium balloon. The pressure in the air balloon is:
Answer: C, greater, because the air is more dense than the helium and this means that with it being denser it has a greater amount of pressure.
2. How does the pressure in the Helium balloon compare to the pressure of the air in the room? The pressure in the Helium balloon is:
Answer: A, less , this is because if the balloon does float in the air it has to have less pressure than the amount of pressure that is in the air.
3. How do the number of air molecules in the air balloon compare to the number of He atoms in Helium balloon? The number of air molecules is:
Answer: A, less, the number of helium molecules are less than helium atoms because air molecules take up more space because air molecules are larger than helium molecules.
4.  How does the average speed of the Helium molecules compare to that of the air molecules? The average speed of the He molecules is:
Answer:  C, greater, because helium molecules are smaller and able to move faster. This allows them to travel around faster inside of balloons compared to air molecules.
5. What will happen to the pressure if temp is held constant and the volume is decreased?
Answer: B, this is because when I decreased the volume the pressure increased. When doing this more collisions are happening but with each collision the force is the same. Boyle's law states that at constant temperature, the volume of gas is inversely proportional to its pressure.
6. You are flying from Denver to Boston, and you bring along a ½ full bottle of shampoo that was well sealed before you left Denver. You land in Boston and proceed to your hotel. The number of air molecules within the shampoo bottle:
Answer: B, stayed the same, since the shampoo bottle is sealed the change pressure did not affect the air molecules inside the bottle.
7. If the walls of the shampoo bottle are strong and rigid so that the bottle has the same shape as before you left, how does the pressure of the air inside the bottle compare to the pressure of the air in Denver?
Answer: B, equal to, this is because the bottle is from Denver, so the pressure inside the bottle is the same as the pressure of the air in Denver.
8. How does the pressure inside the bottle compare to the pressure of the air in Boston?
Answer: A, less than, because the pressure in Denver is lower than it is in Boston, this is because Denver is at a higher altitude.
9. If you had a water bottle with very soft sides. When you open your suitcase in Boston, the bottle would look:
Answer: A, squished, this is because the pressure in the air is greater is than the pressure in the bottle. So pressure that is being applied on the bottle  will cause the bottle to squish together.

Friday, July 26, 2013

Activity 6: Acids and Bases

1. Review the Content and Acids Bases on the D21 site.

2. Complete the Teaching Idea "Concept Questions for Chemistry using PhET" posted by Trish Loeblein on the pH Scale simulation at PHET.

1. The color of a solution identifies if it is an acid, base, or neutral solution. True or False

Answer: False: The pH determines where it is a base or acid. If the pH is above 7 is a base and below 7 is a acid. If solution was 7 it would be neutral solution.

2. Which is a solution is basic?

Answer: D. More than one Solution B and C are both above  7.0. This makes them basic.

3. Which solution is acidic?

Answer: C. The high level of H30+ in C shows that C is acidic.

4. Which solution is basic?

Answer: B. This is because B is basic with OH- at -2.

5. Which solution is more acidic?

Answer: D. More than one.

6. How will adding water effect the pH?

Answer: A: Increase the pH. Water deludes it, the pH goes up and the acidity goes down.

7. How will equal amount of water effect the pH?

Answer: Decrease the pH.

8. What is the order from most acidic to most basic?

Answer: A. ABC. The lower the pH the higher the acidity. The higher the pH the more basic it is. So the order would be from smallest to largest is A,B,C.

9. What is the order from the most acidic to most basic?

Answer: E. C,A,B. The higher the bar on the graph for the H30+ the more acidic the solution is. The order from largest to smallest is C,A,B.

10. If spit has a pH= 7.4, what does that tell you about the water equilibrium?
Answer:  Something was added that made the equilibrium shift left.
3. Complete the Teaching Idea "Intro to Strong and Weak Acids and Bases" posted by Chris Bires on the Acid-Bases Solutions simulation.
 Here are my results from the simulation.


Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Activity 5: States of Matter and Intermolecular Forces

1. Convert 0°F, 32°F, 70°F, and 212°F to Kelvin
  • 0°F= 255.4 K
  •  32°F = 273.15 K
  • 70°F= 294.26 K
  • 212°F= 373.15 K
2. Complete the Teaching Idea: States of Matter Simulation Lab By Kelly Vaughan. Complete the lab worksheet as if you were a student, and then post on this blog.

3. In the States of Matter simulation, choose the Solid, Liquid, and Gas Tab at the top of the screen. Choose the water molecule and cool the water to 0K. Describe how the water molecules are aligned and attracted to each other. Which atoms attract to which other molecules?
The water molecules are in line with the hydrogen atoms and then touch the oxygen atoms. The water molecules remain together and do not move.
4. Switch the Phase Changes Tab on the States of Matter simulation. Notice how on the bottom right there is a small red dot that indicates where the system is at as far temperature, pressure, and state of matter. Play with the simulation to notice changes, notice that when you push down the pressure can you go way up and explode the box. On your blog, report a temperature and pressure required to make a oxygen a liquid. This is sometimes how the oxygen exists in pressurized oxygen tanks, perhaps like the ones you may use to go driving.
A possible temperature and pressure that could make oxygen a liquid is a pressure around 3 ATM and a temperature of 113 K.
5. List and describe at least two Science Standards that this activity addresses
  • Group and/or classify objects and substances based on their properties.  (D.4.2)
This activity addresses the standard through having students move different elements to different states of matter including solid, liquid, and gas. Then students must be able to classify what these substances are.
  • Be introduced to the three states of matter: solid, liquid, and gas.  (D.4.3)
This whole activity is completely based on the different states of matter including solid, liquid, and gases. It is an excellent example of how to introduce students to the different states of matter.

Saturday, July 20, 2013

Activity 4: Density

1. Build a neutral lithium atom and a neutral boron atom. List the number of protons, neutrons, and electrons for each. Also look up and post the density for each of the elements of your blog.

Neutral Lithium Atom: 3 Protons, 4 Neutrons, 3 Electrons
Density: .53 g/cm 
Neutral Boron Atom: 5 Protons, 6 Neutrons, 5 Electrons
Density: 2.34 g/cm

2. Define Density and write out its equation.
The quantity of mass per unit of volume. Mass/Volume (D = M/V)
3. Run the Density simulation and complete one of the study activity sheets.
 Below are pictures of my results from the Density worksheet by Tamera Sneed.
4. Complete the Mystery Blocks activity on the Density simulation.
A) Gold
Mass: 65.14kg
Volume: 3.38L
Density: 19.27
B) Apple
Mass: 0.64kg
Volume: 1L
Density: 0.64kg/L
C) Gasoline
Mass: 4.08kg
Volume: 5.83L
Density: 0.70kg/L
D) Ice
Mass: 3.10kg
Volume: 3.38L
Density: 0.92kg/L
E) Diamond
Mass: 3.53kg
Volume: 1L
Density: 3.53kg/L

5. Identify the Science Standards that could be met through these activities completed in Activity 5.
  • Conduct Science investigations that encourage asking and answering of questions. (A.4.1)(ITL B.4.1)
  • Determine relevant data to use when investigating a Science related problem. (A.4.3)      
  • Note changes that are occurring or have occurred when studying a Science related problem. (A.4.5)
  • Use data collected to create explanations. (C.4.5)
  • Clearly be able to explain results of investigations. (C.4.6)


Friday, July 19, 2013

Activity 3: Common Molecules, Structures and Names

1. Post a picture of three 3-dimensional Ball and Stick molecular models (choose your three favorite molecules) that you have created with common items around your home. Also post a molecular structure image (image from the web, of either a Kekule Structure or a Ball and Stick Model) and the IUPACA name of the molecule.
Carbon Dioxide



2. Post an image from the web, the chemical systematic (IUPAC) name, common, name, and the molecule formula for 20 chemicals that you use or eat. Explore the ingredients of things like cosmetics and foods.
  1. Baking soda: Sodium Bicarbonate: NaHCO3
  2. Chalk: Calcium Carbonate: CaCO3

  3. Bleach: Sodium Hypochlorite: NaOC1  
  4. Shampoo: Ammonium Chloride: NH4C1
  5.  Aspirin: Acetylsalicylic Acid: C9H804

  6.   Sugar: Sucrose: C12H22O11

  7. Propane Gas: Propane: C3H8
  8. Toothpaste: Sodium Fluoride: NaF
  9. Aluminum Foil: Aluminum: Al
  10.  Salt: Sodium Chloride: NaCl
  11. Hydrogen Peroxide: Peroxide: H2O2
  12. Antifreeze/Coolant: Ethylene glycol: HOCH2CH2OH
  13. Water: Water Oxidane: H20
  14. Nail Polish Remover: Acetone: CH3COCH3
  15. Battery Acid: Sulphuric Acid: H2SO4
  16. Fruit Sugar: Fructose: C6H12O6
  17. Laundry Detergent: Sodium Tetraborate Dechydrate: Na2[B4O5(OH)4] 8H2O
  18. Windex: Ammonia: NH3
  19. Lighter Fluid: Butane: C4H10
  20. Sunscreen: Avobenzone: C20H22O3

3. Look over your molecules and the bonding characteristics, how many bonds does each of the following elements typically have? Carbon? Hydrogen? Oxygen?
Carbon: 4
Hydrogen: 1
Oxygen: 2
4. What does IUPAC stand for?
International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry

5. As you explore ingredients, notice how everything around us is made up of chemicals consisting of atoms bound together into molecules. But what about companies that claim their products are chemical free! How can this be?
Companies will say that they are chemical free, but they are not free of harmful chemicals. Many products do contain harmful chemicals but may say they are chemical free. This happens a lot since a "Green Movement" has been going through the last couple of years with going green and not harming the environment. When a product does say that they are chemical free, green, or eco friendly and then lies about this is called Greenwashing. Laws and regulations have been coming about including what products labels can and cannot say.

Sunday, July 14, 2013

Activity 2: Atom and Atomic Structure

Here is a picture of my Oxygen element model. There are 8 brown chocolate chips that represent the neutrons and 8 tan chocolate chips that represent the protons. The model also has 8 electrons surrounding the nucleus, this includes 6 on the outside and 2 on the inside.
Here is a picture of my Neon element model. There 10 brown chocolate chips that represent the neutrons and 10 tan chocolate chips that represent the protons. The model also has 10 electrons surrounding the nucleus, this includes 8 on the outside and 2 on the inside.

Here is a picture of my Beryllium element model. There are 4 brown chocolate chips that represent the neutrons and 4 tan chocolate chips that represent the protons. The model also has 4 electrons surrounding the nucleus, this includes 2 on the outside and 2 on the inside.
1. What is the atomic number for each of your models?
  • Oxygen: 8
  • Neon: 10
  • Beryllium: 2
2. What is the atomic mass number for each of your models?
  • Oxygen: 15.9994
  • Neon: 20.1797
  • Beryllium: 9.012182
3. In your models, which two subatomic particles are equal in
There are an equal number of protons and electrons or an equal number of positive and negative charges.

4. How would you make an isotope for one of your models? What would change with the model?
Oxygen has 8 protons and 8 electrons. If I added 2 more neutrons to my Oxygen model, there would be an isotope that would have an atomic weight of 18.

5. Considering the overall volume of your element models, what
makes up most of the volume of an atom?
The volume is made up mostly of empty space. The nucleus is mostly mass (because it is made up of protons and neutrons).

6. For one of your models, show with another image what happens when energy excites an electron.
This is what happens when my Beryllium get excited.

7. Once the electron is excited, what do we typically observe when the electron returns to the ground-state?
The electron will return to it's ground state. This energy normally happens in the form of a particle of light.

8. Why are some elements different colors when they are excited? Hint: when electrons are excited (by something like heat from an explosive) they move up to another orbital and when they fall back they release the energy in the form of light.
Different elements have a different amount of energy gaps, this is because elements release different amounts of energy and also elements release different colors, this is based on the light spectrum.

9. With the Fourth of July coming up quickly, explain how the
colors of fireworks arise.
When an electron is in it's lowest state of energy this is called ground state. Then when a flame or other sources supplies energy to an atom, the electron goes from it's lowest state to it's highest state. Then it eventually will return to ground state which produces light. This is how we will the process of fireworks happening.

10. Explain the overall organizational structure of the periodic
The periodic table is set up in rows and columns. It increases with elements according to the element's atomic number. There are 18 vertical columns or groups and the horizontal rows of the table are called periods. The rows are organized by the number of electrons shelves they have. The groups or classes include, Alkali Metals, Alkali Metals, Alkaline Earth, Halogens, Noble Gases, Transition Metals, Non-Metals, and Metalloids.

11. List two example elements for each of these groups or classes:
Alkali Metals: Sodium and Potassium
Alkaline Earth: Barium and Radium
Halogens: Chorine and Iodine
Noble Gases: Neon and Argon
Transition Metals: Nickel and Copper
Non-Metals: Carbon and Hydrogen
Metalloids: Silicon and Arsenic

Thursday, July 11, 2013

Activity 1: Scientific Method and States of Matter

Three Experimental Questions to Answers:
  1. Does hot water or cold water freeze faster?
  2. Does hot water or cold water boil faster?
  3. Does salt water freeze faster or slower than regular water?
Experiment Materials and Setup:
  1. Does hot water or cold water freezer faster?
I first filled a liquid measuring cup with 1 cup of cold water and 1 cup of hot water.
Cold water set up before freezing.
Warm water set up before freezing.
I then used a thermometer to tell the temperature of the cold water and hot water before freezing it. 
Then I poured the cold water and hot water into bowels in order for them to go into the freezer.
I then took note of the temperature of the freezer.
I then place the bowels of cold water and hot water in the freezer for an hour. Also I used my cellphone has a timer.
Cold water after freezing.
Hot water after freezing.
Then I took the bowels of cold and hot water out of the freezer to see which one was more frozen. I also used the thermometer to see which one was cold than the other.
2.  Does hot water or cold water boil faster?
I first filled a liquid measuring cup with 1 cup of cold water.
I then used a thermometer to tell the temperature of the cold water before boiling it.

Next I put the 1 cup of cold water into a covered sauce pan. I set the temperature of the stove on high and set my cell phone as a timer to see how long it took to boil the cold water.

Once the cold water was boiling I poured it back into the liquid measuring cup and read the temperature of the water by using the thermometer.
I first filled a liquid measuring cup with 1 cup of hot water.
I then used a thermometer to read the temperature of the hot water before boiling it.
Next I put 1 cup of hot water into a covered sauce pan. I set the temperature of the stove on high and used my cellphone has a timer to time how long the hot water took to boil.
Once the hot water was boiling I poured it back into the liquid measuring cup and read the temperature of the water by using a thermometer.
Each of these steps where carried out three different times for the most accurate results.
3.  Does salt water freeze faster or slow than regular water?

I first filled a liquid measuring cup with 1 cup of regular water.
Then I filled a liquid measuring cup with 1 cup of water again. Also I added salt to it.
Then I poured the regular water and salt water into bowels in order for them to go into the freezer.
I then took note of the temperature of the freezer.
I then placed the bowels of regular water and salt water in the freezer for an hour. Also I used my cellphone has a timer.
Regular water after freezing.
Salt water after freezing.
Then I took the bowels of regular water and salt water out of the freezer to see which one was more frozen than the other. I also used the thermometer to see which was colder than the other.
Each of these steps where carried out three different times for the most accurate results.
Hypothesis To Questions Posed:
1.  Does hot water or cold water freeze faster? 
Hypothesis: Cold water will freeze faster due to being more similar in temperature to the solid form of water.
2.  Does hot water or cold water boil faster?
Hypothesis: Hot water will boil faster due to being more similar in temperature to the liquid form of water.
3.  Does salt water freeze faster or slower than regular water?
Hypothesis: Salt water will freeze slower than regular water due to adding an extra element.

1. Does hot water or cold water freeze faster?
Cold Water Freezing
     Temperature Before    Freezing:
Temperature After Freezing:
Temperature of Freezer:
Total Freezing Time:
33 °F
1 hour
1 hour
 1 hour

Hot Water Freezing
Temperature Before Freezing:
Temperature After Freezing:
Temperature of Freezer:
Total Freezing Time:
71 °F
1 hour
1 hour
1 hour

Reproducibility: This experiment got close to the same results each time. Each time the cold water seem to more frozen than the hot water.
2.  Does hot water or cold water boil faster?
Boiling Cold Water
Temperature Before Boiling:
Temperature After Boiling:
Total Boiling Time:
3 minutes and 15 seconds
3 minutes and 11 seconds
3 minutes and 23 seconds

Boiling Hot Water
Temperature Before Boiling:
Temperature After Boiling:
Total Boiling Time:
2 minutes and 54 seconds
2 minutes and 47 seconds
2 minutes and 41 seconds
Reproducibility: This experiment resulted with the same results pretty much very time. Hot water boils faster than cold water every time. Hot water boil between 2 minutes and 41 seconds and 2 minutes 54 seconds. The cold water seemed to take just few seconds long through. Cold water boiled between 3 minutes and 11 seconds to 3 minutes and 23 seconds.
3.  Does salt water freeze faster or slower than regular water?

Regular Water Freezing
Temperature Before Freezing:
Temperature After Freezing:
Temperature of Freezer:
Total Freezing Time:
52 °F
1 hour
1 hour
1 hour

Salt Water Freezing
Temperature Before Freezing:
Temperature After Freezing:
Temperature of Freezer:
Total Freezing Time:
51 °F
1 hour
1 hour
1 hour
Reproducibility: The experiment shows the same results every time. The experiment shows that salt was does freeze slower than regular water. The regular and salt water was similar in temperature before being frozen. Also the temperatures ranged differently between the two. Regular water was more solid than salt water each time as well.
Theory That Answers Questions Posed:
Water reacts to its environment based on what temperature it is and elements that are within it.
Controlled Variable for Experiment
  • Measuring one cup of liquid water for each experiment.
  • Maintaining the same instrument (liquid measuring cup) used for measuring the water.
  • Remaining with the same total freezing time (1 hour) for experiments utilizing freezing.
  • Continuing to use the same instrument (sauce pan) when heating up water for experiments.
  • Using the same instrument to heat up water (gas stove) with experiments regarding boiling water.
  • Sustaining the same instrument (freezer) to freeze water with experiments that used freezing.
  • Using the same instrument (thermometer) to measure temperature for each experiment.
  •  Having the same bowels for holding cups of water while cups of water were in the freezer.
  • Measuring time with the same instrument (cellphone stop watch) for each experiment.
  • Using the same facet for water for each experiment. 
Image of The Atoms That Make Up Water Modules:
Video Of How Water Molecules Are Arranged In The Three States Of Matter For Water

Scientific Method Process:
The first step in the scientific method is ask a question. The questions were does hot water or cold freeze faster, does hot water or cold water boil faster, and does salt water freeze faster or slower than regular water. Next you must construct a hypothesis for your experiment. Mine were that cold water will freeze faster due to being more similar in temperature to the solid form of water, hot water will boil faster due to being more similar in temperature to the liquid form of water, and salt water will freeze slower than regular water due to adding an extra element. Then you must test your hypothesis by doing an experiment. I did this through doing different experiments including boiling cold and hot water to see which one boiled faster, freezing regular and salt water to see which froze faster, and then to freeze hot and cold water to see which one froze faster. Next you have to analyze your data and draw a conclusion. I demonstrated this through doing each experiment three different times and organizing information into graphs. I also reflected on my results by proving my hypothesis right.
The science process/method is used as a sort of graphic organizer to gain a result from a experiment. In the science process/method the first step is to ask a question. Then you must construct a hypothesis to your experiment or an educated guess on what will happen. The next step would be to test your hypothesis by doing an experiment. After the experiment is done analyzing the data and drawing an conclusion is important by organizing data. The final step would be to reflect back on results to prove if the hypothesis is right. All of these steps help us to answer the questions we have when conducting an experiment in an organized manner.
In this experiment I froze hot and cold water to see what would freeze faster, I boiled hot and cold water to see what would boil faster, and froze salt water and regular to see what would freeze faster. All hypotheses ended up being correct that cold water will freeze faster due to being more similar in temperature to the solid form of water, hot water will boil faster due to being more similar in temperature to the liquid form of water, and salt water will freeze slower than regular water due to adding an extra element. My finally conclusion was that water reacts to its environment based on what temperature it is and elements that are within it.
Cold water freezes most of the time. But hot water can freeze before cold water though. This is because of the surface area of water will cool by rapid evaporation. Hot water does boil faster than cold water as well. Cold water has to catch up to the temperature of hot water.Which makes sense. Salt water does not freeze as faster as regular water. An example is ocean water, most of the Earth's ocean are not frozen even during the winter. This is because salt lowers the freezing point of water and in addition to salt ocean water deals with a lot more currents and winds than regular (fresh water) does. This helps ocean retrain in more heat than lake or ponds because fresh water is usually more still.

Citation: Tinopolis Interactive. (2013). Attack of The Undead. Retrieved July 9, 2013, from Science in the News: http://www.scienceinthenews.org.uk/contents/?article=41