Friday, August 2, 2013

Activity 8: Intergation of Knowledge and Application To Teaching

 1. Create your own teaching ideas.
  • Must Identify and Meet 3 Next Generation Science education standards within the K-2 grade band.
    1. Make observations (firsthand or from media) to collect data that can be used to make collect data that can be used to make comparisons.
    2. Communicate information or design ideas and/or solutions with others in oral and/or written forms using models, drawing, writing, or numbers that provide detail about scientific ideas, practices, and/or design ideas.
    3. Repetition in different contexts, is necessary to build familiarity.
  • Must be original work
    • For this activity, I am teaching the concept of Hot or Cold. To start the activity, students participate in a cooking station as a large group. Students would be given toy food and food containers to use. I would encourage students to put away food in correction locations. For example to put cold items or frozen items in the fridge or freezer. I would also allow students to pretend cook food items that are eaten hot. Students would be allow to communicate orally and work together with their peers different ideas about their knowledge on hot and cold foods. Then students would be given ten pictures of hot or cold foods. If the food is cold they would color the photo blue and if the food is hot they would color it red.
  • Must be scientifically accurate and appropriate for the directed grade level.
    • Kindergarten
  • Must have an accompanying worksheet with at least 7-10 questions related to each activity.  Answering these questions should be related to meeting the scientific standards.

Students will color blue or red for hot or cold foods based on the observations they experience first hand and be able to make comparisons to judge which food is hot or cold. Students will  communicate their understanding through coloring the drawings provided by the worksheet. Students will communicate with their peers orally by discussing what cold or hot foods are. Students will build familiarity through repeating cold food blue and hot food red.
2. How has your understanding of science and chemistry in particular, changed due to your experiences in this class?
  • I did not know how much chemistry was apart of my daily live. This class really opened up my eyes to items like chemicals in products and how atoms make up everything in our lives. I feel that it is very important to learn and keep learning about science and chemistry in order to keep ourselves and our world safe. Also this class changed how I view chemistry and science, I use to think both were boring but know that I understand some of the basics, I find myself enjoying it.
3. What was your most challenging concept covered, and why?
  • The most challenging concept that we covered was the atomic structure. At first I could not understand protons and neutrons. I was nervous about making models because I was not quite sure I would go about it. But I am a very hands on learner, so making the models helped me get a better understanding of atomic structures. With there not being a step to step guide to making the models really benefited me. I was allowed to be creative.
4. How could you facilitate future learning to your students who might also find learning about science and chemistry challenging?
  • I would facilitate future learning by allowing my students to be creative! Through the models I would let them the same directions in class use common household objects and go for it! I think that by allowing students to be creative they will be able to learn more by doing it themselves. Also, I think that showing how science and chemistry is relatable to you is important as well. When students understand how something impacts their daily lives it makes more sense.
5.  As you think about your future in education, give 3 ways you think you'll be able to implement the skills you've learned in this class (it doesn't need to be chemistry content based).
  • Allow students to be creative! Letting students do their down thing is so important. This is so important because figuring out something on your own sometimes allows you to grasp a concept better. For example I am plan on being a Business and Marketing educator, in my classroom I would let students build their own business and not limit them to a certain type of business.
  • Using simulations in the classroom. Students using simulations would allow students more resources they might not have available to them. Many simulations are virtual allowing students to learn a concept without being limited by funds. For example students be able to design their own store virtually. By using simulations students are able to learn more and cost can be kept down.
  • Provide students with relatable lessons to their lives. Students learn more when they can find purpose in a lesson through relating it to their lives. In this class we learn about common chemicals in household products. In a my future class, I would try to have lesson that students can relate to and find enjoyable.